Wednesday, October 19, 2011

TKMB quote analysis

For what we have read so far in the book, select one of the following quote. Paraphrase the quote, tie them into various themes in the novel and be sure to use specific examples for support.

  • "It is none of my business what other people think of me." -- Anon.
  • "Whatever your strengths or weaknesses, you are no better and no worse than anybody else" -- Hososcope
  • "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -- Eleanor Roosevelt
  • "If you have nothing nice to say about anyone, come over and sit by me." -- Alice Roosevelt
  • "You can never really know a person until you climb into his skin and walk around in it" -- Hannibal Lecter/Atticus Finch
  • "It is never an insult to be called what someone thinks is a bad name." -- Atticus Finch
Remember to also critically comment on two other people's posts (this can be an agreement and an extension of thinking or a disagreement/questioning)


  1. "You can never really know a person until you climb into his skin and walk around in it" -- Hannibal Lecter/Atticus Finch

    I think this means that you can’t judge a person unless you’ve actually seen what he puts up with for yourself. This quote is relevant to the book because all of the white people of the town are critizing and looking down on the African American that stands trial, but why doesn’t he deserve a fair trail? Because of the colour of his skin? If any one of them were to be treated like that they would agree that he deserves a fair trial.

  2. "It is none of my business what other people think of me." -- Anon.

    I chose this quote because I believe that Atticus does a very good job of not caring what people think of him. Atticus is a lawyer that defends any person of any race or colour, so by doing this he is getting not a very good reputation for himself. In the book Scout’s classmates call her father a “Nigger Lover”. Scout does not approve of this and starts to question what her father truly is. Atticus on the other hand does not care what the children call him because he believes that they don’t fully understand the meaning of the name they call him. I personally believe that this quote just means that you can’t control what names people call you, whether it is a nickname or an insult.

    By: Nicole Gibson

  3. I chose the quote "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -- Eleanor Roosevelt. Meaning, people can put you down and try to make you feel like you are a lesser person, but it doesn't have effect until you accept it and tell yourself you are inferior. You can choose to disregard the comment and closely examine the source it’s coming from, looking for faults with the other person and comparing them to your own. This theme is very prevalent in the novel because of all the racism that occurs. Black residents are constantly being insulted and treated harshly, which is neither warranted nor humane. An example of this would be the treatment of Tom Robinson. Because he is black, it is assumed that he is guilty of rape before he is even tried. The white people in Maycomb look to beat him without hearing his side of the story. Even Atticus, one of the most respected and gentlemanly person in the county, is insulted and shunned for representing Tom at trial, and making a real effort to defend him.

  4. "It is never an insult to be called what someone thinks is a bad name." -- Atticus Finch. In my opinion this quote means that you cannot believe what you are doing is bad if you feel it is right. Do not listen to other people’s opinion if they are insulting what you believe in. The only thing that matters is if you feel you are doing the right thing. Atticus knew he made the right choice to defend colored people and he didn’t listen to all the negative comments he received. Many people called him a “nigger lover” as an insult but he took it as a compliment because he was proud to defend the colored people.

  5. I like Nicoles post because she explained Atticus's thoughts and feelings very well.

    I liked Zoe's comment because she put the quote into her words very well

  6. "It is never an insult to be called what someone thinks is a bad name." -- Atticus Finch

    The first thing that comes to my mind that this quote can be applied to is the Cunninghams. The Cunninghams don’t necessarily have a bad name, but they are well known and everyone is aware that they haven’t much money at all. In this time, being as stereotypical as it is, causes people to be very judgmental and if someone were to be called a Cunningham it would be implied that they have less than most of the townspeople. This wouldn’t be an insult as Walter Cunningham is a good man regardless of what he has. I find when people have less, they are much more gracious and kind to others because they really appreciate anything done for them.

    Paraphrased: Being similar to someone with a bad reputation is irrelevant, because you never know if you’re sharing the positive traits they portray as well.


  7. "If you have nothing nice to say about anyone, come over and sit by me." -- Alice Roosevelt

    I think it’s sort of like if you don’t have something nice to say don’t say it at all

    In Maycomb people tend to be very vocal about their thoughts, especially the negative ones.
    An example of this is when Walter comes for dinner and Scout (although unknowingly) insulting his family, so Calpurnia takes Scout into the kitchen and makes her eat in there.

  8. "It is none of my business what other people think of me." -- Anon.

    I think that this quote is really important to the story because it tells about how Atticus doesn’t care what other people think of him. He does what he thinks is right instead of worrying about what other people will think of him and doesn’t worry about what people think or say. He defends the coloured man because he has to, but I think given the choice of defending him or not defending he, he would still do it anyway even though Scout thinks it’s the wrong thing to do. Atticus does it because it’s what he thinks is right. To me this quote basically means just to be yourself and don’t care about the people that don’t like the way you are.
    -Lauren McCallum

  9. "You can never really know a person until you climb into his skin and walk around in it" -- Hannibal Lecter/Atticus Finch

    I think this quote is important because it fits into almost any situation in the book. Unless someone has climbed into Boo Radley’s skin and walked around in it, they really don’t know his story and what has gone on in his life. It is the same thing with Mrs. Dubose, everyone thought she was a rude controlling old lady, but she was just sick. No one took the time to get to know her. This quote is relevant to every person in the book.
    Until you can physically be someone else, you will never understand them or be able to get inside someone else’s head.


  10. "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -- Eleanor Roosevelt
    She’s saying that no one can make you feel bad about yourself or think that you’re not as good as someone else if you don’t let them. If you ignore the comment it doesn’t matter. If you know it’s not true then it doesn’t matter either. As long as you know that there will always be someone who is better than you in one thing and worse in another you can accept that everyone’s different and equal at the same time. A good example of this is what Atticus had to do most of the time after taking the Tom Robinson case. Even though most of Maycomb County kept putting him down and trying to tell him he was inferior because he was defending a negro, Atticus didn’t let it bother him because he knew that he was doing the right thing, despite what everyone else thought.


  11. I agree with Nicole that it is easier to forgive a child who has insulted you, because they often don't know the meaning of what they are saying. I agree with Megan that if you believe in what you are doing, it's easier to disregard negative comments.

  12. Symphony Blanchette :3October 19, 2011 at 10:08 AM

    “It is none of your business what other people think of me” –Anon

    I think this quote is relevant because Atticus doesn’t really care about what others think as to how he is defending a black man in court. Also, he doesn’t want his children to get involved in what opinions are being thrown at him for the situation. This quote means that other people shouldn’t be worrying about what other people are being portrayed as to the public and what others think of that.

  13. I liked Nicole and Megan's comments because they both did a very good job of getting their points across and they were very well writen :)

  14. "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -- Eleanor Roosevelt

    I like this quote because it basically stands up to bullying. I feel it means that bullies can only put you down if you show that you are hurt by what they say/do. This furthers the saying “Just ignore the bullying and they will stop”. It also can be influential to people such as when you show a person some thing you made and they say it sucks, instead of feeling bad you can just say “ I think it looks good you’re just jealous”. This takes what the bully said and bounces it back at him.

  15. I thought Zoe's post was very well represented and she thoroughly explained the quote and her own personal ideas.

    I also liked Gabe's quote because you could really connect to what was going on in the book.

  16. Whatever you strengths and weaknesses, you are no better and no worse than anybody else --- horoscope

    I think this means that we are all equal because everyone had ups and downs. The society in Maycomb county is divided by race, power, and wealth, so a black person would be lower in class because of their race, not their attributes or personality. I feel this is a great motto because it creates equals, by stating that we are all humans, because we all grow, learn and make mistakes. How other children act towards Jem and Scout about Atticus’s lawsuit is discrimination, whereas it shouldn’t be treated any different because he is still a citizen. Some people are intelligent and others are amazing with woodwork, but they are or should be treated as equals. It is conceded for a person to think they are better than someone else, we should be modest and be proud of who we are even on your bad days.


  17. Brooklynn Sharpe-BlanchetteOctober 19, 2011 at 10:11 AM

    I agree with Alex's post, as it's a great quote. You can't judge someone's actions without fully understanding the challenges they face everyday.

    I also agree with Megan's post because she chose the same quote as me, but still had a different interpretation of it than myself.


  18. I think Brooklynn's comment is very well written and insightful. It sounds like she really thought about the quote. :)

  19. I liked Lauren's comment because it shows how we should be more confident in ourselves and not care what others think.

  20. I like Nicoles post because she got her point across and it was really well written!

  21. I agree with Zoe, Tom is treated worse becuase his skin is colored.
    I also agree with Gabe, you cannot judge a person unless you really know them.

  22. I love this quote because it has an endless amount of answers, for some like Hannibal Lecter(A serial killer) it has a very different meaning then others. In Kill a Mockingbird there are many great examples of this. Mine is that people like the Cunninghams have a very different point of view on life then the Finch’s. This Quote from Atticus sums up perfectly that until you live the life of who you are judging you will not understand what and why they do things. There are to many components to ones life that can push people to the edge of doing the wrong thing. So please don’t judge people before you know what pain others are going through. -Mitch

  23. "It is none of my business what other people think of me." -- Anon.

    I think that this means that we are all entitled to our own opinions, and we are allowed to think whatever we want, even if it’s about someone else. It is none of your business what someone thinks about you because that is their own opinion. I think that the people of Maycomb should have more of this idea, because the poor people are always embarrassed for being poor and care too much about how the rich people think and treat them. They should try to live their lives instead of worrying about what other people are thinking of them because everyone obviously has opinions about everyone.

  24. i liked Gabe's quote because it shows how discrimatory racism is and how it affect's peoples lives

  25. I think Nicole DOES NOT KNOW WHAT SHE IS TALKING ABOUT.... awks

  26. I agree with Brooklynn's post. She based the quote off of the cunningham's and she put the quote in her own words. :)

    Symphony Blanchettte, I like your post because Atticus is like a honey badger. Everyone else is rasist and goes after Atticus because he is defending a black man, and he just doesn't care.

  27. "You can never really know a person until you climb into his skin and walk around in it" -- Hannibal Lecter/Atticus Finch

    This can be referred to;

    Ms. Dubose – Who may be hard and cold on the outside, however she was only this way because of her sicknesss.

    Boo Radley - No one really does know boo, so how would we know what he does, what he thinks, or what he’s like.

    Atticus – Atticus is seen as an old man who can’t do anything but if we were to step in his shoes, we would know what he’s really like and his capabilities.

    I also think that this quote is just saying that you can’t judge or know a person until you can live a day as them and learn from their mistakes or go through their experiences. Until then you have no right to judge them.

  28. Lindsay Slevan, Jonathan GrandfieldOctober 19, 2011 at 10:16 AM

    "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -- Eleanor Roosevelt

    When you call someone names, for example racism towards black people or bullying at school it only gives power to the comment if the victim reacts. A good example of this in the book is when the children at school antagonize Scout by calling her and her family n***** lovers she lets them win at first by giving in and showing reaction to these names. Later on she learns to control herself and the attacks decrease in numbers because they know they won't get a rise out of her. Atticus shows extreme maturity by not only ignoring these names, but also accepting them as the truth. In this way he turns the insults back to the attackers and makes them look like imbeciles. We personally believe that the only way you can take offense to a comment that someone makes is if you give power to it and react, giving them the entertainment they seek; whereas if you don’t react then they will likely realize there is no point in making you feel inferior. –Lindsay and Jon

  29. Symphony \m/ BlanchetteOctober 19, 2011 at 10:16 AM

    I agree with Alex's post; I like it because it really explains what the quote means and who it is relevant to.

    I also like Megan's post because it really brings out the meaning of the quote and shows what Atticus really meant.


  30. Marisa :) LivingstoneOctober 19, 2011 at 10:16 AM

    I chose the quote; "It is none of my business what other people think of me." -- Anon.

    because it fits Atticus' character. He never cares what other people say about he, he just keeps his head up and is always positive. The kids at Scouts school are always calling her father mean names and she doesn't like that. She takes the name calling to heart where as Atticus just lets it go. Because Atticus is a lawyer he goes to work with all different races, and he is one of the only men in Maycomb that appreciate coloured people. With all his work going on he does get called bad things fo helping out the black people.


  31. I agree with Alex's comment because the quote can really apply to anyone and she did a good job explaining her thoughts.

  32. "It is none of my business what other people think of me." – Anon

    Every day, we are consumed by the thought of other people’s thoughts. If we trip, we blush, thinking: “ I hope nobody saw that.” If someone asks us our opinion, we hesitate, wondering if we should be honest and possibly hurt the other person’s feelings. If we’re attracted to someone, we’re cautious of showing our true self, cautious of unreciprocated feelings.

    This is a powerful quote… and truthfully a little perplexing. On one hand, I absolutely agree with this statement. We form opinions about others whether or not we know them; it’s almost an involuntary response. For me, it is an involuntary response. As it is for the people of Maycomb County when it comes to thinking of families such as the Cunningham’s, the Ewell’s, and the Radley’s. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinions, right? Regardless of whether or not someone asks for them. So, what difference does it make?

    But on the other hand… I can’t help but to try to think of a contradiction for this statement. What about first impressions and trying to be professional? In that case, you should try to think about what other people think of you, right? For instance, whether it’s Boo Radley or Tom Robinson, how other people perceive them is imperative and crucially relevant to their lives. For Boo, it’s most likely the reason he’s been inside for all this time and in his case he probably should make a little more of a concerted effort to be aware of how other people view him. For Tom, it’s how he’s going to be viewed before, during and after the trial. Ultimately deciding the fate of the trial.

    I don’t necessarily agree or disagree with the above quote. I think there’s a fine line of when you should think of other people’s feelings and when you should disregard them. I think people should be conscious of how they’re making other people feel, but not always someone else’s opinions about them.

  33. I agree with zoeys comment because it really shows how atticus is very passive agressive and doesnt want anyone else to get hurt

  34. I like Rachels and Larissas comment because I think they both understood their quote very well.

  35. Zoe's post was well written because she clarified the quote very well before talking about how it connects to the story.

    I also liked Larissa's post because it was really clear and she had great examples.

  36. “You can never really know a person until you climb into his skin and walk around in it" -- Hannibal Lecter/Atticus Finch

    I chose to do this quote because you hear people talk bad about other people all the time and although you might agree with what they are saying about the person you can’t really judge them truly unless you step inside their bodies for a day and see what life is like for them. This quote relates to the book because everyone judges Boo Radley but no one actually knows the real him. They don’t know what he thinks, how he feels, what goes on in his life and even what he thinks about other people in Maycomb.
    Until you climb into someone else’s body and experience what they are going through, you don’t have the right to judge them.

  37. Marisa :) LivingstoneOctober 19, 2011 at 10:21 AM

    I agree with Nicoles comment because she did a good job describing how Atticus doesnt care about what people call him.

    I also agree with Zoe because the quote is perfectly describing how black people are treated in the book.

  38. Lindsay Slevan, Jonathan GrandfieldOctober 19, 2011 at 10:22 AM

    We agree with what Larissa said about everyone being equal because we think she raises a good point and represents the qualities of ideal human treatment well.

    We also agree with Sophia as to how she gave specific examples to how it would be like to walk around in some of the characters "shoes" for a day and their perspectives on certain situations.
    -Lindsay and Jon

  39. “If you have nothing nice to say about anyone, come over and sit by me.” – Alice Roosevelt

    A restatement of this quote could be: “If you’ve got something bad to say about someone, you should share it with a fellow gossiper so that we can spread it everywhere.” This quote alludes to the fact that gossipers tend to exchange information with each other, and this makes the gossip even more widespread that it might have been. This connects to “To Kill A Mockingbird” in the way that Maycomb is a small town with very tight-nit groups of gossipers. Information, usually false, spreads through the town rapidly, making its way through all the social circles, into the ears of young and old alike. This is thanks to the work of busybody’s like Miss Stephanie Crawford and Aunt Alexandra. Miss Stephanie Crawford in particular makes it her business to know everything about everyone in town, then relays it back to anyone who will listen, whether they want the information or not. This quote relates to a theme of the book in the way that many of the problems in the story are the result of various lies and rumours spread by gossipmongers like Aunt Alexandra and Miss Stephanie. An example is the way that Boo Radley has an awful reputation in town because of all the rumour, slander, and assumptions made about him.

  40. To Kill a Mockingbird Quote Analysis

    “ If you have nothing nice to say about anyone, come over and sit by me.”- Alice Roosevelt

    Ultimately, this quote from Alice Roosevelt could translate into; “If you have nothing nice to say about anyone, don’t bother holding it in as a secret, come over and sit by me, and tell me it, because I enjoy gossip quite a lot.”

    I thought that it would translate into this quite easily because the original quote basically means that the person is open to your thoughts, not because they exactly care about you, but for their own personal amusement because they enjoy the gossip that people usually don’t share with others.

    This quote would tie into the book because a couple of the characters, Aunt Alexandra and Miss Stephanie Crawford, are the people in the book that could be viewed as flibbertigibbets (a chattering, flighty, or light headed person), because they run amok throughout the town filling their brains with gossip and spreading news that is meant to be a secret. Overarchingly, this ties into the book because many problems that arise are always connected to lies, assumptions, rumors, and people’s false stereotypes of others (examples of this would be the Radley Chronicles, and the Tom Robinson Escapades, which were both based on fictitious beliefs).


    Shannara- I think Shannara’s comment did very well describing her quote, and I agree with her that judging others and being afraid of what others think of you are completely natural and common things to do.

    Emily- I think Emily’s perception of the quote was extremely good at describing what Alice Roosevelt had said, her connections of the quote with the book were, in my mind, very accurate, and her exceptional use of words made her post very interesting.

  41. The quote I chose is: "You can never really know a person until you climb into his skin and walk around in it" -- Hannibal Lecter/Atticus Finch. It's kinda like the quote "You never know a man until you walk a mile in his shoes." It has a connection to all the racism and prejudice in the book. Like Atticus isn't suggesting you physically crawl inside his skin, but if you got a chance to live as a different person for a day, your opinions would most likely change. Blacks are constantly being descriminated against and Atticus is suggesting that if every white person got a chance to to live as a black person for a day, they wouldn't them with such racist innuendo.

  42. I like what shanara said because it was well described and very well thought out

  43. I like Nicole's and Rowan's posts because they both were related really well to the quote :)

  44. I really like Ashlies post because see conects here quote with real life. Great Job!!

  45. i agree with marisa because she describes how Atticus doesnt care what people think of him and she put lots of thought and detail into it.

    i also agree with megan because she describes that what people think is a bad name may not be an inuslt very well.

  46. Devons qoute was a very great description of his quote and it really changed my life!!! I will never be the same. Thx

  47. I agree with Zoe's comment because I think that prejuidces are a prevailing theme in this piece of literature; the fact that someone who stands up for someone who is kicked down is also punished for actions that are not their actions.

    I also agree with Emily's comment because once something starts (i.e. gossip) it's hard for it to stop.

  48. “You can never really know a person until you climb into his skin and walk around in it”-Hannibal Lecter/Atticus Finch

    This quote is used the same way as “walk a mile in his shoes” and it basically means that you can’t judge, either positively or negatively, a person without actually knowing what they have been through or go through. Someone could have a reason for what they do or why they do it, or the characteristics that they have could be a result of something that happened to them. Atticus uses this only once but he could have used it multiple times the way Scout and Jem form their opinions so quickly. He used it to stop the way his kids were talking about Mr. Walter Cunningham and how he lives a hard life and he has reasons for not taking anything as little as a dime, or why he pays Atticus with food and crops instead of money. He could have used it for Calpurnia, or Heck Tate or even Tom Robinson because they all have reasons for being the way they are, and his kids might not understand that without his help. Hannibal Lecter used it in an even different sense, and he suggested to literally step into someone’s skin to find a wanted serial killer.

    Brady Lockwood

  49. "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" -- Eleanor Roosevelt

    I believe that this quote is quite deep, on levels some may not understand, because some might misinterpret this and think it to be a false statement; “Of course people can put you down! They can do it whenever they want!” That’s what I was thinking at first glance of the quote, but once I looked deeper into the meaning, I found a more underlying meaning; If you feel hurt by something somebody said or did, then you sub-consciously let them win, and gave them consent to put you down. Words are just words and there will always be somebody who is better or worse then you. Whether or not you let it bother you is your decision.
    To connect to something in the book, I think that Atticus is a prime example of somebody who does not give someone permission to put him down. People have tried to make him feel inferior almost every second of the day, after he took the case of Tom Robinson, and he hasn’t let a single one of those words penetrate.

    - Cameron Johnston

  50. In Response to Callum Shandley's post; I disagree with your words, and the quote! I feel that you are entitled to know what people think about you, and have your opinions on what they said.
    In response to Brady Lockwood's post; I feel that you captured the meaning of this quote extremely well, and explained it deeply, and with such detail that I understood at once.
