Monday, December 12, 2011

Act 5

This is your final blog post. Some great posts and comments so far. Please ensure that you have completed all of the extras (see Act one blog post),

For your final blog post, I want your character to rewrite the ending of the story. Begin right after Romeo and Juliet get married, except the chain of events will be different. What type of ending would your character want  to see happen? Be sure to make your last comments on other people's posts.

The alternative ending can be written in prose or in play form with dialogue, and the character who is speaking must be identified.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Act 4: Interviews

Act 4: Interviews

Today we will be doing something a little different with Act 4 (rather than writing a summary/analysis, you will be conducting an interview).

New of Romeo's banishment, Juliet's "death", Tybalt's death and Mercutio's death has reached all of Verona and beyond. Step outside the role of your character; for this blog post questions you are a journalist working for a paper. Your task will be to pose 5 questions to your character character about anything that has taken place in the play (with slightly more emphasis on Act 4, but you are not confined to Act 4). Then, you will step back into the role of your character and will need to respond to the questions in your blog post (remember to stay in character!)

Remeber to comment on the other character's blogs.

For all the questions that you do please remember to avoid basic recall and reading comprehension questions and, instead, pose higher/deeper-level and critical thinking type of questions.
Have fun! A fantastic job so far!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

To begin, your Act one and two blog posts are great: the content, the style, the characterization, etc. Well done! Please remember that you also need to comment on the other character's blog post for a full act-blog-mark. You may also want to be considering some of the "extra" things that need to appear in your blog (see Act one blog post for more information)

So, Act 3 character blog will be similar to your Act 1 and Act 2 character blog (a post of about 250 words that synthesizes and analyzes the content and themes of the Act via your character's perspective, comment on all the other character's blog and comment on your own comments). 

But, the added twist to your blog post with involve identifying, supporting and explaining the significance of 3 different emotions specific to your character, which can have been evident from any point in the play so far). 

Access this list of emotions

Therefore your blog post should include:
  • A synthesis and analysis of the content and themes of Act 3 via your character's perspective
  • Identify three emotions that are evident in your character (things they do/say or things others say about them/do to them).
  • Find a quote for each emotion that best suits that emotion and demonstrates that it is specific to your character.
  • Explain the significance of each of the three quotes/emotions
The things to include in your blog should be naturally woven into the content of your blog. When you are done, remember to comment on other character's blogs. 

Have fun!