Monday, September 26, 2011

Chapters 1 and 2

Your task will be to write a response for any of the following three tasks. Please note the criteria for what makes a good post .
Secondly, you must critically comment on two other people's posts. Please do not just put "I like this or I agree . . . "; rather, "I agree/disagree with ****'s post because . . . . " or "To elaborate on ******'s point . . . . "

Choose one of the following tasks:
  • Pretend you are writing a description of Maycomb for a travel magazine of the 1930s. Describe the town in detail.
  • The townspeople of Maycomb have some fears and superstitions about the Radley Place. Describe these fears and superstitions.
  • The students in the class show some prejudice against Miss Caroline when she tells the class she is from Winston County, Alabama. Explain this prejudice.

Reminder: What makes a good post•Concise with a specific focus
•Shares thoughts, ideas, or opinions
•Opening grabs the reader's attention while introducing the point of the comment.
Specific details support information in the comment
Has a "So What?", theme, lesson, or specific point that attracts the readers' attention
•Demonstrates detailed understanding of the task/topic
•Positive tone engages the reader
•Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization is correct